Posted by : Rather Asif Saturday, May 18, 2013

Check Anyone's Mobile Balance ._._._._.

Hi all. Today i came here with fine trick to find out mobile balance amount of any number. This trick is working good for all major networks that includes Reliance, idea, Airtel, Aircel, Vodofone, BSNL, and Tata Docomo.

For Reliance

  • Just go to this address Click HERE.
  • Enter others number and click on submit.
  • You will get balance on screen.

For Others

Airtel - 09810198101
Idea - 09824012345
Tata Docomo - 09040012345 or 07737012345
BSNL - 9415100123
Aircel - 9842012345
After that choose your language and give your friend's mobile number. The above TATA docomo is only toll free number from your docomo. All the other networks charges local call charges as per your plan.

For any queries comment below. I will reply as soon as possible.

Must read our other articles and also share it with your friends because your support and effort is necessary to encourage Me ._._._._.

{ 71 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. What is the Phone Password

  2. Now this airtel trick does not working, on 1/10/2013 airtel has changed
    its IVR settings. Kindly check this out for yourself.

  3. Now this airtel trick does not working, on 1/10/2013 airtel has changed
    its IVR settings. Kindly check this out for yourself.
    If you have anything to say please mail me at

  4. reliance only show the data balance not prepaid balance

  5. Which number for Vodafone?

  6. trick does not work for airtel

  7. works fine for docomo:)

  8. this trick is fake is not worked in docomo im also try

  9. For reliance it perfectly worked thx buddy...
    Kindly tell me for aircel

  10. tricks not working fo docomo ...have u any other trick?

  11. It does not work for airtel. But works for reliance. Thanks for this trick.

  12. Does not work for aircel. Little upset with this :-(

  13. Forget that, Balance Buddy is the app, available for this

  14. You can check BSNL prepaid balance & validity online at

    This trick doesn't require any account or login. Its instant.

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  16. I'm in abroad how I can check my friend Docomo balance

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. prepaid use the app you have to setup your check balance code, and from then on whenever you open the app it checks your balance, so you dont need to open your phone option, write in the check balance code and press the call button its just 1 touch

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  24. - Sắc Pháp có 28 loại sắc, trong đó có 8 sắc bất ly là: Tứ đại (đất nước gió lửa) và 4 sắc y sinh (màu sắc, mùi, vị, dưỡng chất) còn gọi là 1 tổ hợp sắc Kalapa.
    - Các sắc do nghiệp sinh là: 5 sắc giác quan (sắc: nhãn nhĩ tỉ thiệt thân ), sắc ý căn, sắc mạng căn, sắc tính nam và sắc tính nữ.
    - Các sắc thái trạng là: sắc: sinh, trụ, hoại, diệt.
    - 1 sắc không gian: nó ngăn cách các tổ hợp sắc (Kalapa)
    - 2 loại sắc khác biểu kiến ở thân: Thân biểu kiến, Miệng biểu kiến
    - 3 sắc trên thân: Nhẹ, Mềm, Nhu nhuyễn

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  26. شركة تتظيف بالباحة
    هي افضل شركة متخصصة في تقديم خدمات تنظيف المنازل والشقق والفلل في جميع أنحاء منطقة الباحة. وبارخص الاسعار .

    من خلال خدمات التنظيف في الباحة يمكن أيضا حجز خدمات تتظيف الخزانات بالباحة
    والتي تهتم بتنظيف وتعقيم وعزل الخزانات .

    كما يمكن حجز خدمات مكافحة الحشرات بالباحة والتي تعمل على المساعدة للتخلص من جميع آلافات المنزلية والتجارية بطرق حديثة.

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